Explore more Rovaniemi business areas

The Rovaniemi City Council approved the local detailed plan for the Lampela area in January 2017, and it was ratified in spring of the same year.

The new local detailed plan changes the old industrial and warehouse area that was close to the town centre, into a modern, diverse area for retail and housing.

The multiple partner model was chosen for drawing up the plan, where all landowners and holders actively and regularly participated in devising the plan.

The City of Rovaniemi initiated the revision of the local detailed plan for the Lampela area in 2008. The plan for the Lampela area was initiated based on a motion put forward by entrepreneurs and property proprietors.

The further development of the area was resolved by the city council in 2012 with the approval of the town centre’s partial local master plan that was ratified in summer 2015.

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In respect to land use, the Ounasvaara area has a valid master plan and a partial local detailed plan. Over the decades, a number of functions have formed in the area that are related to tourism, civil engineering facilities, sports, recreation and housing. The planned are includes areas for the golf course and ski resort, and the housing and travel services areas that are bordered by the Pallarintie road. There is also a number of routes for outdoor pursuits that have not yet been registered as official routes.

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Plot areas that serve trade and industry.

We will publish more information here soon.

Commercial plot areas serving tourism.

We will publish more information here soon.

Our city has zoned suitable business areas and commercial plots for different commercial sectors.

Some of the most important business area include

Commercial premises for shops: Lampela area
Commercial premises for industry: Alakorkalo area
Commercial premises for tourism: Arctic Circle area

Commercial premises for wellbeing: Ounasvaara area

In addition, the city also owns two areas fit for commercial plots that have not been zoned. For more information, please call City Geodesist Pertti Onkalo on +358 50 522 9184.

For matters related to local detailed plans, please contact Urban Planning Manager Markku Pyhäjärvi, and for matters related to plots, please contact City Geodesist Pertti Onkalo.

Contact us
Onkalo Pertti
Pyhäjärvi Markku

Ainonkatu 1, 96200 ROVANIEMI,

Open hours

Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:00

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