The Lapland Chamber of Commerce represents business for Lapland as an entirety, and with its actions, it brings economic success for its member enterprises and business in the region. At the very core of activities is the promotion of commercial activity, entrepreneurship, economic freedom, equal competition and international trade.
The members of the Lapland Chamber of Commerce include enterprises of all sizes from all sectors and industries throughout the region of Lapland, municipalities and other business stakeholders. The activities of the Lapland Chamber of Commerce is guided by the government and the Chamber’s committees engage in advocacy work.
Lapland Chamber of Commerce offers its members high-quality education, lobbying and authority services, as well as other advisory services, either directly or through the Chamber of Commerce network.
The Lapland Chamber of Commerce is an active actor in promoting internationalisation by providing its members information pertaining to changes in the operating environment and assisting enterprises in networking, particularly in the northernmost regions of Europe and globally through the Chamber of Commerce network.
The Chamber of Commerce Group comprises 19 Chambers of Commerce and the Central Chamber of Commerce. The operations of the Chambers of Commerce are governed by the Chamber of Commerce Act that was ratified in 2002. Membership of the Chamber of Commerce is voluntary in Finland.
The objectives of the Lapland Chamber of Commerce for the coming years have been listed in the advocacy plan that is divided into five sections:
1. Enhancement of advocacy for Lapland and business policy
2. Traffic connections and accessibility
3. Simplification and acceleration of permit processes
4. Energy policy
5. Training and labour force as part of competitiveness
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